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Maritime security & Facilities

As air transport, maritime transport is subject to the industrial risk, malevolence or even terrorism, particularly in busy ports.
The duty of the ferry terminal operator is to ensure the safety of passengers, ships and all persons present in the ferry terminal by complying with International ship and port facility security (ISPS)* regulations.
At the local level, security plans define Restricted Access Zones (ZAR) on sites that may be classified as sensitive or are points of vital importance in the port area.



Securing access to Maritime terminals and vessels

The role of security is to prevent the entry of prohibited or dangerous objects, stowaways on board ships and to check private vehicles or goods on boarding. For this, they use different services:

  • Screening inspection of vehicles entering the ZAR

  • Screening inspection of pedestrians entering the ZAR: passengers, employees, service providers, etc.

  • Baggage screening with an X-ray imaging tool

  • Ticket control

  • Pat-downs before boarding

Monitoring of port facilities 

  • Stores and inventory in the port area can be coveted. There are solutions to fight against intrusion, theft and attacks in port areas:

  • Access control to the site before the ZAR

  • Verification of the closure of access outside stopovers, and the securing of buildings and car parks

  • Remote surveillance or video surveillance with removal of physical doubt and call to the police if necessary

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